My dear readership,
I'm alive--and kicking--here in Barcelona! No joke, I have been so busy these past couple days that I haven't even uploaded pics yet... I may make a photobucket account and provide links so that the page doesn't crash from too many images.
I had a really great entry all scripted out and ready for submission, but the internet service here burped and i lost EVERYTHING. Note to self: update in a word document, SAVE IT, and then try to upload!
It's almost 2am here, and I just finished up my homework (no, quit laughing--i'm serious. My roommates are still up working as well.). Breakfast is at 8 and we have to be back on the bus at 9, so I figure dressed and breakfast by 8:30, then a day full of activities, then a quiet night in tomorrow so I can update, read for class, polish my presentation and sleep... something I think I remember from days past.
So until then, here are a few teasers: Don't play in the fountains. I signed the Golden Book. What is a funicular? All this and more to come up (hopefully) soon!
Can't wait to read your upcoming post. I am glad that you made it safely and are having a good time. Take care and be safe! <3